I don’t have to look into the mirror to know I’m old. I can feel it every time I wake up each morning. Yesterday my knee hurt, this morning it doesn’t…now it’s my shoulder. Next week it will be my back or my other knee.
It’s just a new day of surprises each and every day. Oh how grand.
The problem is simple. My mind thinks I’m still about 2 years old, but my body is screaming….” You idiot, do this and you will get killed or maimed or something”
You can’t do the things you did many years ago. Forget about it.
Seems like yesterday I could get on a ladder, go to the top of the roof, no worries, no concerns. Now I take one step up and my brain is saying ‘get down you fool, you could fall’.
Gone are the days when we could stay up until 3am and still go to work in the morning and be on time. Now if we are out past 9pm, we tend to tell everyone ‘We stayed out late last night.’
Tell me you didn’t drive faster when you were younger. I find myself staying within the speed limits at this age of my life. I even let folks in a hurry pass me without getting upset or angry. I do chuckle when they get stopped by the law for speeding. Probably not the most charitable thing to do, but it’s still fun…tell me you don’t?
Somehow, I was transported from age 60 to age 80 without even knowing it. How was this possible? I mean what happened to those 20years?
I used to work out on a regular basis. I could lift some iron. I was strong. The important word in that sentence is WAS. Now trying to suck up a thick chocolate smoothie is a chore for me to attempt. I can’t even exercise enough to get sore and hurt like I used to do. Turning on the treadmill requires me to bend over, which is difficult these days. I find that when I do drop some something on the floor, I always look around to see if there is anything else that I can pick up at the same time.
My git up and go has gotten up and left. Some days I question as to whether it was ever actually here.
But I am determined to keep on going, no matter what. I can walk and talk and chew gum at the same time. Which is a lot more than some folks can do and for that I’m thankful.
Besides I can always start back on that treadmill and weights in the morning. They are always there, waiting for me.
Just waiting and waiting and waiting.
See you next week. Peary Perry